June 26, 2013

Interview with 3D'Natee (WomenOfHipHop.Com)

Our friends from WomenOfHipHop recently interviewed 3d'Natee. In there Natee explains how hip-hop saved her life, talks about female rap scene, his idols and much more. Here is a extract of the interview; 

What artists do you listen to currently?
I love that old classic sh*t like Biggie’s Ready to Die or even as far back as Teena Marie and Betty Wright’s projects but currently I’m working on my project, The Coronation, so I’ve been playing a whole bunch of Na’Tee in my household! I’m just preparing these records for the world so I’m usually either listening to that or tracks that were submitted by producers. I did download the new JadaKiss mixtape but I haven’t played it yet.

Who do you think are the top 5 female rap artist of all time?

In no specific order and solely based on lyrics, I’d say Lauryn Hill, Foxy Brown, Lil Kim, Eve, and me. Ha! Now I know a couple people might get tight about my list, but I just turned 25 so I grew up on those ladies right there. In middle school I thought I was Lauryn Hill. I had dreadlocks and everything. In high school, my best friend cracked my copy of FoxyBrown’s Broken Silence album because I used to play it so much. But, honestly I couldn’t just narrow it down to 5 because Ms.Jade, Shawnna, Mia X, and a few others deserve to be on that list too. They all meant a lot to me coming up.

Who is your favorite female artist?
A few years ago I would of said Lauryn Hill or Fox. Now days I’d say me hands down. It’s not even to convince your readers to check out my music or to Segway into more talk about myself. It’s really because I feel like as an over all artist, I give the listener so much of myself and I do it in ways that evoke emotion. I do it in ways that make you laugh, cry, dance, but most importantly, I do it in ways that make you think all while displaying lyricism. For example, my record SWITCH (The Timbaland Mix) was just me going in lyrically while making you laugh and rap along at the same time. Then there are records like Dear Father where I captured the emotions I felt at 10 years old when I learned that my father committed suicide. We haven’t had a female artist to do that, I mean all of that, in a very long time. So honestly, if I wasn’t Na’Tee, I’d still say ‘Na’Tee is now my favorite female artist.’

What has hip hop done for you outside of hip hop?

HipHop started off as just a way for me to vent. My parents were crack addicts and I was so embarrassed about my upbringing as a child that I never used to talk about it. I had to get those thoughts out though. So I used to write about it. I was always that girl who’d battle my other rapping classmates at school but those verses I wrote about my family were more like pages from my diary so I never use to rap those. At that time hip hop was my therapy. Sh*t, it still is. That’s why I’m so passionate when I mention these whack rappers who are f*cking up the game. Hip hop is like my best friend. My confidant. I used to sell drugs and there were many nights that I opted to go to the studio instead of spending just one more night in the streets. Those very nights I lost some of my closest friends and a few of my cousins to the prison system and to the grave. So I’d say hip hop prevented my demise.

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